Saturday, August 4, 2012

From the Mitt Romney Campaign...

These past three years have been the hardest on the middle class since the Great Depression. This election is about giving middle-class Americans a fair shot. On Day One, I will begin turning this economy around with a plan for a stronger middle class.

My plan for the middle class will deliver more jobs and more take-home pay by focusing on:

Energy independence: I will unleash our domestic energy resources and eliminate job-killing regulations, so we can finally get the energy we need at a price we can afford. Domestic energy production will bring over a million manufacturing jobs back to the United States. On Day One, I will approve the Keystone XL pipeline, and I will eliminate regulations destroying the coal industry.

Skills to succeed: I believe that a choice for every parent equals a chance for every child, so I will give every family access to great schools and quality teachers. And I will make sure our workers and children have the skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow by having access to job training programs and affordable and effective higher education options.

Trade that works for America: I will open new markets for American goods and services while stopping the unfair trade practices of countries like China who steal our jobs. I will work to strengthen free enterprise around the world.

Cutting the deficit: It's simple -- we need more jobs, less spending, and smaller government. My plan will immedciiately cut and cap federal spending, balance the budget, and root out bureaucratic inefficiencies. My plan also gives states responsibility for programs they can implement more effectively and efficiently.

Championing small business: Small businesses are being strangled by excessive government regulations and taxes -- I will make government the friend, not the enemy, of business. My plan reduces taxes on job creation through individual and corporate tax reform that's competitive and attractive for jobs to come back to America. Free enterprise is still the greatest force for upward mobility, economic security, and the expansion of the middle class -- and it is anchored by America's small businesses.

I am running for president because I know that my policies and vision will help strengthen the middle class, lift people from poverty, and create sustained economic prosperity. I want to help the middle class -- and I will. My comprehensive plan will create 12 million jobs and grow the economy by 4 percent per year on average.

Find out more about my plan for a stronger middle class here:


Mitt Romney

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