Tuesday, August 21, 2012 "The Perks of Traveling Alone"

Above, with a restaurateur near the Tsukiji Fish Market in the wee hours of the morning. has a good article on "The Perks of Traveling Alone."

As one who has traveled with a wife/family, friends, groups and solo, the article does spell out the advantages of traveling alone.

I've traveled six times to Japan, one with an organized group and the rest solo.  I've never felt "alone" during any of my solo trips as I have friends in Japan to hang out with or I meet other travelers there.  A lot of the time I find myself too busy to even miss any traveling companions.  It is not that I wouldn't travel with someone, it usually boils down to the cost of a trip, lack of interest or scheduling that has me go it alone.

The main thing I like when traveling alone, I can do whatever I please.  I can do something on the spur-of-the-moment whenever I want to.  In December, 2010, I decided to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market early in the morning (around 4:00) and just caught a taxi and went.  No hassle.  If I had a traveling companion who wasn't interested in visiting the fish market in the wee hours, it might have made things a little more difficult.

Some people wouldn't think of traveling alone.  Much of it involves fear of going to another country by themselves.  One of the advantages of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan is that a person who is a kaiju fan can go alone with the travel guide to show them the way.  This is especially true if all their potential travel companions couldn't care less about monsters or Japan.

To read the full article, go here.

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