Thursday, August 23, 2012

Medical Emergency Tips for Travelers on Holiday

Guest Column by Casey Riley

Medical Emergency Tips for Travelers on Holiday
No matter how hard you plan for things to go perfectly while you are on holidays, you have to always be prepared for unexpected emergencies. Below are some great tips you can use before you travel on a holiday to help avoid any health hazards. These can also help you be more prepared about what to do if an emergency does arise while you’re away.

Prepare Medically

Before you go traveling, you should have a checkup with your regular doctor. This is especially true if you have not had a recent check up. Tell your doctor where you’re going, what you will be doing and have him check to be sure you’re physically able to do all you plan. Your doctor will be able to recommend any vaccinations you may need before you go, especially if you are going overseas.

Medical Insurance

Make sure you have enough medical insurance coverage to cover transportation while you’re traveling. Being transported from overseas to a location far away can be quite expensive so you want to be sure you are properly covered. If not, you can always get a supplemental policy from an insurance agent to cover you while you are gone. Some credit card companies have good referrals for services you can contact for emergencies when you are overseas. They may also offer some reimbursement to customers for medical emergency expenses. Check with your credit card companies.

Research Medical Locations
It’s always a good idea to research and find out where some medical emergency locations are when traveling abroad. If you need emergency transportation or have to find a hospital, it’s a good idea to have some things written down ahead of time should the need arise.

Embassy Address

Always know the address of your local embassy at your home location when traveling. The embassy is your one connection back to home when you are traveling overseas. Check the embassy website so you can see if there are any advisories before you travel or anything of concern. The people who work at the embassy will help you in any emergency situation and if things are bad enough, they can help take you and your family back home if need be.

International Medical Service
There are plenty of organizations now who can help you coordinate insurance, legal help and medical assistance when you are traveling overseas. They can help you find the right contacts you need while you are away and if you need medical assistance, some of these places can find a doctor that speaks your language and arrange for them to see you while you are away.

Medical Information
Always carry your medical information with you when you travel. You probably know what your blood type is and if you have allergies to anything, but if you are in an emergency situation and you cannot talk or communicate, the emergency medical personnel would need to know about medicines you may be taking, surgeries you may have had or any serious health issues that may be going on.

Hopefully, some of the above medical emergency tips will help you prepare for your travel plans abroad and your trip is safe and uneventful.

Casey Riley writes about medicine, travel health & finding affordable group health insurance.

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