Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan Will Provide Sharper Clarity On The Issues

True to form, the Obama lefties are heaping scorn on the selection of Paul Ryan as VP nominee by Mitt Romney. The Democrats are attacking Ryan over his budget proposal, saying, "It will end Medicare as we know it."  The Democrats did that in raiding Medicare funds for Obamacare.  Medicare was already broke. The raid only made it worse.

Conservatives, on the other hand, especially those in the Tea Party movement, are joyous over the selection.

Matt Kibbe of Freedomworks is also pleased.  He wrote (in part):

That said, Romney made a good choice — a great choice in fact. It was a real indication to grassroots America that the Romney camp is willing to finally engage on the big issues that matter most in this election. It’s not quite enough to say that Obama has failed, we know that. Incumbent presidents should not win reelection with persistent unemployment over 8 percent and a staggering $16 trillion in debt. Clearly Obama needs to be fired. But what are you, the Republicans, actually for?

It is vital that the conservative base and the Tea Party are energized.  The selection of Rep. Paul Ryan has already accomplished that in spades.  I can't wait to see his debate with Vice President Joe Biden.  Ryan will mop the floor with him.  And, he will take the debate to the Democrats and their failed policies.

The campaign has to be a referendum on Obama's tenure in the White House.  The lying personal attack ads only serve as diversions from a discussion over the real issues: the economy, debt and jobs. There are poll indications that the attack ads are backfiring on Obama.  By all rights, they should.

With Paul Ryan on board, the GOP can provide its vision of restoring the American Dream with sharper clarity.

Read more on Grass Roots Must Unite Behind Paul Ryan
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

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