Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Prepping The August 25 Comics Yard Sale

Today and tomorrow I'm spending some time re-stocking the comics that will be on sale at this coming Saturday's yard sale.  It will be the last one for the summer, so this is your last chance to get the comics to fill in the gaps in your collection!
Interestingly, I received an email with a query on how much do I want for the total collection, and along with that, how much to ship to Indiana.

I have no idea on how much it is to ship since the postal service charges by weight.  As for the price tag, I estimated that to carry off the collection (roughly 600 Silver Age/Bronze Age comics, not counting the Modern Age ones), since I am getting $5.00 per Silver Age comic, roughly $3,000 would be the price.  (I am selling the Modern Age ones (from the 1990s) at two for $5.00.)

It will be interesting to see if I hear back from the person.


I've posted the sale on different websites that are yard sale-oriented.  Here's some of them:,TARZANA,91356

This is the last comic book yard sale for the foreseeable future, so c'mon down!

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