Friday, August 10, 2012

Romney Campaign Hits Back On Dishonest Obama Ad

From Grassfire Nation:

President Obama's own Super PAC -- Priorities USA Action -- funded exclusively by Hollywood elites like Bill Maher, Morgan Freeman, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, JJ Abrams and others have their fingerprints on a anti-Romney attack that is so outrageous and full of errors, even the Left-leaning CNN has deemed it "inaccurate."

In the ad, former steelworker Joe Soptic links Romney to his loss of his job, insurance and his wife's eventual death of cancer, even though evidence shows that Romney wasn't associated with Bain Capital when the husband lost his job, and that his wife had her own insurance and didn't loose it until an injury forced her to leave her job... 
Even worse, she died five years after the plant was shut down!

Since launching the ad on Tuesday, the Obama campaign has continued to deceive the public -- even suggesting that they were "unaware" of Soptic's whole story -- meaning they didn't fact check it -- or worse, they did fact check it and decided to move forward with the ad anyway.

But wait ... it gets even worse.

Now we are learning that the Obama campaign likely conspired with Priorities USA Action in the making of the deceptive ad -- a clear violation of Federal Election Commission guidelines.

Although they may not have scripted, or produced this deceptive ad, Hollywood heavy-weights like Steven Spielberg, Morgan Freeman, JJ Abrams, Bill Maher and others are all guilty by association.

Together they have pumped millions of dollars into Obama's Priorities USA Action Super PAC that produced the ad, and to date, not one has stood up and demanded the ad be pulled!

We've included the names and contact numbers below.

Demand they use their influence to get this ad pulled with apologies!

• Bill Maher: 310-275-6135, or 323-957-0730

• Steven Spielberg: 818-733-7000, or 310-285-9000

• Morgan Freeman: 310-394-3131

• JJ Abrams: 310-859-4000 or 310-859-9000

• Jeffrey Katzenberg: 818-695-5000 or 818-695-3900

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