Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Romney Channeling Reagan and The Duke

With renewed energy and drive after his choice of Rep. Paul Ryan for vice-president was announced, Mitt Romney seems to be channeling Ronald Reagan and John Wayne.

Romney hit hard against the Obama campaign and its surrogates today.

According to The

Mitt Romney used a tough new campaign speech to personally blast the Obama campaign on Tuesday, saying comments earlier in the day from Vice President Biden are "what an angry and desperate Presidency looks like." 
"Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago," Romney said while campaigning in Ohio.

This shouldn't come as surprise, Romney proved during the primary campaign that he can get tough when necessary.

He finally decided that after being accused of being a "felon," causing a woman's cancer death and putting people back in chains, he isn't going to take it lying down anymore.

What I meant by saying Romney seems to be channeling Ronald Reagan and John Wayne, remember the 1980 New Hampshire Primary campaign debate when a moderator tried to shut off Reagan's microphone and Reagan, not willing to shut up or back down, barked, "I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green!"

And, many of us remember how tough The Duke was off-screen.  Here's a story (written by Reagan in 1979 as a tribute) about a Screen Actor's Guild meeting about Wayne, who was standing up to radicals:

The Alinskyites in the Obama campaign are finding out that they've got a tiger by the tail!

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