Monday, August 6, 2012

Social Security, Dr. Jekyll and Wolverine

While at work this morning, I met with a supervisor to turn in our time sheets and a conversation ensued.  I mentioned that for the past two weekends (and this coming Saturday) I've been holding yard sales of comic books.

He brightened up and told me that he bought the comics containing the first two appearances of Wolverine (of Marvel's X-Men fame) for $500 each at a San Diego Comic Con several years ago.  He said he had to sell them for the same price a few years later as he found himself unemployed and needed the money.

He said he probably sold them below their actual value, but he was pressed for funds.  I said, "At least you got back what you paid."  He agreed, but groused that he could've gotten more for them.
It is interesting to see who in one's life collected comic books in their younger days.

Congratulations to NASA for the successful landing of the rover "Curiosity" on Mars.  The rover is about the size of a Volkswagen and the unique new landing system went well.
I would expect that it should work,  it cost $2.5 billion to make!

It has been reported that, starting today, people retiring now will have paid more in Social Security taxes during their careers than they will receive in benefits.  This historic shift will become worse for future retirees (i.e., me) according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

How can you get a better return on your Social Security taxes?  Simple.  Live longer.  (Easier said than done.)

For you horror trivia buffs, a little "Today In History" item:   The first Venice Film Festival opened on August 6, 1932 with a screening of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde starring Fredric March.

1 comment:

  1. I am sitting on issus #1 to 50 of the X-Men.

    Retirement is looking better every day.
