Saturday, August 11, 2012

The "R-R Team": Romney Picks Ryan For Veep!

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney selected Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan to be his vice-presidential running mate.

This is seen as a bold move and one that will please conservatives who are pressing to have the campaign focus inatead on Obama's record in office instead of bogus diversions the Obama campaign and their Super Pac have been spewing out.

Ryan will be able to go after the Democrats on the budget (or lack of one) and their spending policies.  Ryan shocked and awed the administration on Obamacare during a heathcare summit.  See the video here.

The selection of Paul Ryan is an excellent one.

Here's the Romney campaign press release:


Boston, MA – Mitt Romney today announced Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential running mate. Below is Congressman Ryan’s biography: 
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan is in his seventh term in Congress representing Wisconsin’s First Congressional District. He is Chairman of the House Budget Committee, where he has worked tirelessly leading the effort to reign in federal spending and increase accountability to taxpayers. He also serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, where he has focused on simplifying the tax code and making health care more affordable and accessible. 
In January 2010, Ryan gained attention nationwide after unveiling his “Roadmap for America’s Future,” a proposal to eliminate the federal deficit, reform the tax code, and preserve entitlements for future generations. 
Representative Ryan was born in Janesville, Wisconsin on January 29, 1970. A fifth-generation Wisconsin native, Ryan was the youngest of four children born to Paul Ryan Sr., who worked as an attorney, and Betty, a stay-at-home mom. 
In April 2000, Ryan proposed to Janna Little, a native Oklahoman, at one of his favorite fishing spots, Big St. Germain Lake in Wisconsin. Later that year, the two were married in Oklahoma City.

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