Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beach Boys' Mike Love "Up To His Old Tricks"

Above, Brian Wilson.

Fans of the Beach Boys were pleased that the surviving members of the original group joined forces for a 50th anniversary tour.

Unfortunately, all things eventually come to an end.  Mike Love, who has legal control of the Beach Boys name, decided that the "good vibrations" of this past year should end.  There is disagreement over that. reports:

Through the news release issued by the Beach Boys tried to portray their latest split as a planned event following a celebrated 50th anniversary album and tour, new comments from ousted leader Brian Wilson tell a different story. 
Mike Love, it’s now clear, has decided to retake a central role in the Beach Boys, having led an offshoot group that only includes second-generation member Bruce Johnston for the last 14 years. Wilson, in new comments to CNN, says Love told him in no uncertain terms that Wilson, Al Jardine and David Marks — the only other surviving original members of the Beach Boys — were not welcome. Seems Love thinks too many shows with them will dilute the reunion concept’s impact.
Over the years, Love has garnered the reputation of being an egotist.  I attended Hawthorne High School about ten years after the Wilson brothers (Brian, Carl and Dennis) and the old timers with the school's alumni group constantly complain about Love and his ego.  The general reaction concerning this story is, "Mike Love is up to his old tricks!"

Al Jardine has set up an online petition to keep Brian, Al and David on the tour.

To read the full article, go here.

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