Thursday, September 27, 2012

Benghazi-gate Cover-up

The Obama Administration has not been forthcoming with the truth on the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya which resulted in the murder of  U.S. Ambassador John Christopher Stevens and three security personnel.

For weeks, the Obama Administration has been blaming the attack on a dumb YouTube anti-Islam video.  They claimed that it was "spontaneous" so that their glaring failure to beef up security at our embassies on September 11.

Fox News reports:

Fresh claims that U.S. intelligence officials knew practically from the start that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was terrorism possibly tied to Al Qaeda have lawmakers alleging they were misled and questioning whether the administration has something to hide.

"This is turning into something not short of Benghazi-gate," Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., told Fox News, adding he's "very suspicious" about the way the administration has handled this.

Two senior U.S. officials told Fox News on Thursday that U.S. intelligence officials knew within 24 hours of the assault that it was a terrorist attack and suspected Al Qaeda-tied elements were involved.

The account sharply conflicted with claims by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice on the Sunday after the attack that the administration believed the strike was a "spontaneous" event triggered by protests in Egypt over an anti-Islam film.
The story was fishy from the start.  First, it was claimed that protesters got out of hand and attacked the "safe house" the ambasssador was at.  Since when do "protesters" bring rocket launchers to a protest?  Then, it was claimed that the protest was "spontaneous" over an amateur video attacking Islam.  But the video has been on YouTube since July.  They just decided to "protest" on the 11th anniversary of the attacks in New York and the Pentagon?  Not likely.

To be blunt, Obama and Susan Rice lied!

The Administration dropped the ball in not heightening security at our embassies for the anniversary of 9/11.  Obama is more interested in the election campaign than doing his job.  It is obvious that Obama and his administration are engaged in a cover-up!

Obama wanted this to be a spontaneous incident, but the facts show that his foreign policy of appeasement is a failure.

Anybody who votes to re-elect Obama would have to be a total idiot!

Read more:


  1. The attack on the US Consulate had two objectives: 1. To take Stevens hostage and/or kill him (we’ll know whether secret negotiations took place, if Hussein releases the Blind Sheikh), and 2. To steal invaluable intel. Understandably, the media attention has focused on the victims. However, most people don’t realize that much of our ME intel was compromised: missions, strategies, tactics, contacts, operatives, weaponry, dates — you name it.

    The reason Stevens traveled inconspicuously and took his Information Management Officer with him was to make sure all that invaluable info did not fall into the wrong hands. But the riots in Cairo were meant to lull the useful idiots in the WH into believing a similar situation was brewing in Benghazi. The Appeaser-in-Chief surmised that sending in the Marines would cause full-blown riots to erupt. Instead, his gang stupidly decided Stevens and Smith should slip in, secure all our sensitive doKuments and then make a run for the safe house.

    To Hussein’s great relief, the conservative media has overlooked the gravity of having much of our intel stolen by global jihad. I’ve got a new slogan for that SOB: Osama bin Laden is dead, and al-Qaeda is alive and well.

  2. I find it disturbing that you are calling the majority of American citizens "total idiots".

  3. Well, it would take an idiot to vote for Obama given his sorry record.
