Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Busy Night

Above, the Godzilla statue in Hibiya, Tokyo.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last night was a busy one.

First, I was getting my first article for JapanTourist completed, formatted and submitted.  As mentioned previously, I have signed on as a contributor for the new Japan tourism database.

Then, I was working on locating and contacting some Japanese actresses for an East Coast convention set for next year.  Interestingly, during this process, I was told by good friend Masaharu Ina of Toho Cinemas that it has been around 90 degrees at midnight in Tokyo.  Wow!  And I thought it was hot in the San Fernando Valley!

I accomplished what I set out to do and sent out "feeler" messages to the actresses inviting them to be convention guests.  Now the waiting begins!

In relation to the convention, I did get confirmation on a special guest.  I have to wait until the convention organizers release the news before I can say anything.  Stay tuned!

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