Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cyber-bully: Has A Familiar Ring

This story has a familiar ring to it. It involves a cyber-bully who has been harassing people in the comic book industry.

I am familiar with it as I have been dealing with a cyberstalker for the past two years.  The LAPD is currently investigating it and will soon refer matter to the Los Angeles City Attorney's office.  I have provided them with two cd-roms chock-full of evidence.

Comics writer Mark Millar posted this on his message board:

Thank you very much, but I engaged a criminal lawyer in LA yesterday and have one of the women involved co-ordinating with the others today, hopefully. I don’t want to say much more in a public forum just now as it may prejudice the case and between the details we’ve got and the tweets we saved the police have everything they need. Even if this doesn’t go to court the guy should hopefully be publicly outed in California and the shame of this will not only stop him attacking women online, but also discourage others from trying this in future. I found out last night that this idiot had been making sexual threats to some of the women concerned for over two years now.
They are handling it in the right way.  I haven't "outed" the cyberstalker for the same reason, but eventually he will be.

I am contacting Millar to get their attorney's information for possible further action.

When I went to read about the cyber-bully story at Comic Book Resources (CBR), I noticed another familiar item at the masthead:

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