Friday, September 14, 2012

German Paper: "Obama's Middle East Policy In Ruins"

While the U.S. Obama lapdog media focused on Mitt Romney's alleged gaffe (he said nothing wrong and had every right to say it), the international media has their focus on the failure of Obama's Middle East policies.

The Washington Free Beacon posted a snippet from the German newspaper Der Spiegel:

“US President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy is in ruins. Like no president before him, he tried to win over the Arab world. After some initial hesitation, he came out clearly on the side of the democratic revolutions. … In this context, he must accept the fact that he has snubbed old close allies such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Egyptian military. And now parts of the freed societies are turning against the country which helped bring them into being. Anti-Americanism in the Arab world has even increased to levels greater than in the Bush era. It’s a bitter outcome for Obama.”
To read the full article, go here.

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