Saturday, September 15, 2012

Great Time At Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo!

Above, it was nice to see Wonder Woman  (Kit Quinn) was able to attend Comikaze Expo.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Comikaze Expo was one big impressive show!  I mean, it was HUGE!

I just returned home from Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center where I participated in a panel on Japanese giant monsters and robots.  The panel also focused on Legendary Pictures' Pacific Rim (scheduled to hit theaters next July) and Godzilla (scheduled to hit theaters on May 16, 2014).

We had a full house in the room where the panel was held.

Above, Tom Franck, Jessica Tseang and Armand before the panel discussion started.

I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion.  It was probably one of the most enjoyable panels I've served on.  It was moderated by Jessica Tseang and, besides myself, included Tom Franck, who has the largest Japanese robot collection in the United States.

Above, the legendary Batman, Deadman and Green Lantern/Green Arrow artist Neal Adams and Armand.

Above, Adam "Batman" West.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The show itself had many celebrities including Adam West, Burt Ward and the best Catwoman of them all, Julie Newmar of the Batman television show of the 1960s.

There were comic book artists and writers galore in attendance.  I managed to get photographed with the man whose Batman artwork defined the Bronze Age Batman, Neal Adams.

I also managed to do some networking in relation to The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan (I also sold eight of them following the panel).  I met artist John Fasano and swapped a travel guide for one of his Godzilla prints.

It was a great show (the last day is tomorrow, so I recommend going) and many thanks to Jessica Tseang for making the panel a fun one!

Since a picture is "worth a thousand words," here's a few more of Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo:

Above, Comikaze Expo had lots of comic books for sale.

Above, the booth where official Comikaze Expo goods can be purchased.
Above, the main hall.

Above, as the banners say, super-hero stuff can be bought.

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