Tuesday, September 25, 2012

JapanTourist Takes On A New Contributor

Armand is now a contributor to JapanTourist, a new website that focuses on attractions to see in Japan.

JapanTourist Mission Statement

JapanTourist aims to become the largest and most trusted reference website for travel to Japan, by creating content and a software platform that facilitates sharing and being shared.

JapanTourist is published by Metropolis, Japan's No 1 English magazine.

JapanTourist is fast becoming the largest web database of English-language travel articles in Japan, and currently is Japan's only travel site to use a fully enabled English-language user reviews engine. The site is also unique for other reasons:
  • We offer rewards to contributors who are providing us with substantial articles and photos (versus simple comments)
  • "We" are actually a network of more than 30 partners (more coming) who are representing the whole of Japan, not just Tokyo and other big cities
  • We are co-opting contributors who know Japan best - local Japanese and resident foreigners - to provide the stories
  • We are partnering with major web portals which are hungry for properly licenced, easily available content
Our goal over the next 12 months is to create a massive database of more than 10,000 articles, photos, and videos, and to become the primary hub for travel information in Japan.

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