Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Libya and Egypt: Jimmy Carter All Over Again

The attacks on the embassies in Egypt and Libya on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 is a sad reminder that there are people out there who hate Americans.  They are egged on by the weak leadership out of Washington whose embassy in Cairo issued a mealy-mouthed statement reeking of appeasement.

The Obama Administration and their toadies in the MSM are trying to deflect this into a smear on Mitt Romney.  That dog won't hunt, especially once all the details come out.  And they WILL come out!

According to Rush Limbaugh, who went through the timeline of the Cairo statement apologizing for a film, through the killing of our ambassador in Libya (yes, I know Libtards will dismiss Rush, but the truth is the truth, nonetheless):

Tell the Democrats that during the war in Iraq. Politics ends at the water's edge? Except, see, that's not what happened. Cairo puts out this statement that I just read to you, and once the media gets hold of that and starts reporting it, somebody has to speak up. It is outrageous. It's disgraceful. It's exactly what Romney said. So, to review: On 9/11, our embassy is attacked. A press release is issued before the attack apologizing for a private citizen exercising his free speech in our own country. 
After the embassy is attacked, the State Department spokeswoman essentially endorsed the earlier release but they disavowed it first. They said it stands. Actually what happened was Embassy Cairo issues that statement; Washington disavows it. Embassy Cairo tweets: No, it still stands. (The operative part of our statement being about embarrassed over what Americans are doing to hurt the feelings of Muslims, that still stands.) Throughout all of yesterday and last night -- throughout all of it -- Obama has said nothing.

Until about eleven o'clock this morning.

While the MSM is spending its time trying to smear Romney, they are avoiding the obvious questions:

Why weren't the Marines at the embassy in Libya?   (According to reports, there were NO Marines stationed there.)

Why weren't the embassies on heightened alert on the anniversary of 9/11?

How did the mob find out where Ambassador Stevens was located?  Who tipped them off?

Rush raised this as well:

They were able to get to the flag, rip it down, try to set it on fire, and raise the Al-Qaeda flag. That just doesn't happen. Now, if you move over to Libya, when that happens, there is a procedure in place to transfer the ambassador and his high-level aides to a different location for his safety and security, which happened. CBS (no less than CBS) is reporting the following. Brace yourselves. "Libyan officials moved our ambassador to a secure location and then told the mob where they took him," and that's how the mob knew where he was. 
That's how the mob knew where to go to kill our ambassador, because the Libyan officials who moved him to the secure place (according to CBS), then told the mob where he was. Then to add insult to injury, we have to listen this morning -- honest to God folks -- to Mrs. Clinton and Obama praise the Libyans for trying to save our ambassador. These pictures that you've seen with the ambassador upside-down, half naked, being carried over somebody's shoulder?

Ambassador Stevens's body wasn't found until twelve hours later according to reports.

This is a massive foreign policy failure of the Obama Administration.  Two embassies are attacked.  American diplomats are killed, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.  Yet Obama feels he can go to  Las Vegas to campaign.  He is a disgrace!

This is Jimmy Carter all over again.

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