Friday, September 7, 2012

Monica Crowley: "Same Old Crapola"

I didn't bother to watch the Democrat National Convention (a.k.a. Freakshow 2012 or Abortionpalooza).  Fortunately, Monica Crowley did and wrote about it in a blog post entitled, "Same Old Crapola."

It reads, in part:

President Obama's acceptance speech this week looked and sounded like a faded Xerox copy of one of his speeches from 2008. Or 2009. Or 2010. Or 2011. Or 2012. 
Here's what we heard: Class warfare. Radical wealth redistribution. Demands for ever-more spending. A celebration of socialized medicine. Calls for "social justice." Lies about his record. Justifications for policies that are imploding our economy and destroying our ability to remain a superpower.
We also heard pleas for another term. But to do what, exactly? If he told us the truth about what he'd do in another four years, we'd all run screaming into the street. So, we got more wispy rhetoric about keeping hope alive and how change takes time. "When I said 'change you can believe in,' I didn't say change you can believe in tomorrow.," he once said. Actually, he did suggest that the change of which he spoke in 2008 would be immediate. And a lot of it was. The problem is that the change has resulted in a disastrous economy as a direct result of his statist policies. But you didn't hear that from him this week. You only heard excuses, requests for patience..and lies. Lots of lies. And oh yeah: Eva Longoria and Scarlett Johannsen. Who almost made folks forget about the lies. Almost.
To read the full article, go here.

1 comment:

  1. Obama and the Dems are giving us the same old crapola while they crap on our Country and our Constitution.
