Saturday, September 1, 2012

Yahoo! 7 News: "Easy Japan" In Historic Kyoto

Above, Kinkaku-ji "Golden Pavilion."  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yahoo! 7 News (Australia) has a nice article on historic Kyoto, Japan and the things to see there.

It begins with:

Oh, no! We're headed the wrong way. I'm on the wrong bus. Signs are in English as well as Japanese but I'd asked a bus driver whether he was headed where I wanted to go and he nodded affirmatively. I'd completely forgotten a friend's well-intended warning that there are two very similar-sounding places. 
I decide to keep going. After all, getting lost is part of discovering an unfamiliar city.
Kinkakuji or Ginkakuji? Whatever you do, speak clearly. The two are on opposite sides of Kyoto - though, fortunately, both are major attractions. 
The former, also called the Golden Pavilion, is one of Asia's great sights. Set on a lake, it's a temple mostly covered in gold leaf which shimmers in reflection on the water. The latter, the Silver Pavilion, isn't silver-coloured but is nonetheless much revered. Queues shuffle through its gardens.
If you are interested in Japanese history, you should consider a visit to Kyoto.  It is well worth a visit, so if your itinerary permits, try to reserve a couple of days and go.

To read more, go here.

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