Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Vote For National Suicide

The long national nightmare continues.

Barack Obama won the election, but he has no mandate.  The stalemate in the Congress will continue.  The two sides won't get serious about getting the country's financial house in order.  Obamacare will be a costly disaster.

Stagflation will rear its ugly head if spending is not brought under control.  Obama will continue to rule by edict and decide what laws he will enforce and not enforce.

Commentator Monica Crowley said it best:

A very slight majority---but a majority---of the American people KNOWINGLY chose four more years (at least) of high unemployment, anemic economic growth, break-the-bank spending, unsustainable and record-breaking deficits and debt, unpopular and bankrupting socialized medicine, and record numbers of people on food stamps and living in poverty. They KNOWINGLY chose four more years....of this. 
We must now negotiate our way around this new America: one of ever-bigger government, greater dependency, higher taxes, ever-more spending and crippling debt, socialized medicine, and dwindling freedom. It's a bleak future---one that resembles more the imploding nations of Western Europe than the United States of America---but it's one that we MUST...and more importantly CAN....fight. 
It may very well be that it's going to take a full-blown crisis to wake us from our torpor. We may have to be broken before we can begin to put ourselves back together again.

It may also take social upheaval.  Hopefully not.

Welcome to Greece or, why stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

1 comment:

  1. This is what happens when you have large percentage of people dependant on government.
