Friday, November 2, 2012

ComiXpress Update, Etc.

ComiXpress, the publisher/printer of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan, has posted the following update at their website:

Sorry we haven’t been able to update before now. As we may have expected, we did lose power on Monday as a result of hurricane Sandy. We’ve been out all week in the office as well as most of the team’s homes. With 100s of thousands of people and businesses without power on the East Coast we unfortunately still have no date for when we’ll be with power again. 
Thanks to all of the wonderful creators and readers we work with for their concern and patience – we’re itching to get back to it as soon as we can. 
As rough as it’s been to be without power we know that many have had it much worse. Our thoughts are with all of you and we hope we can all return to some sort of normalcy soon. 
~Logan, Marc, Jodi and the Team

They seem to be taking adversity in good stride.  As I mentioned a couple of days ago, they are located in Dumont, New Jersey, which was in the path of Hurricane Sandy.

Their attitude is in sharp contrast to the reports of some areas of Manhattan where people are acting out a real-life version of "Lord of the Flies."

It is interesting to see all hell is breaking loose (in some respects I can't really blame them) after President Obama flew in for photo ops and then took off, virtually leaving people to fend for themselves in scouring dumpsters for food, fighting over scarce gasoline, no utilities (especially heat), defecating in apartment hallways, etc.  Those people are in dire need and the relief efforts seem to be lacking.

At least it appears that ComiXpress's main concern is the restoration of power so they can resume operations.  It doesn't seem that they suffered any damage to their facilites.

Hopefully, ComiXpress can resume operations to that my re-order of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan can be filled.

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