Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Deborah Raffin Dies At 59

The Los Angeles Times has reported:

Deborah Raffin, a film actress, veteran of television miniseries and entrepreneur whose company, Dove Books-on-Tape, became a major force in the audio book industry, died Wednesday of leukemia at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. She was 59. 
She was diagnosed with the blood cancer about a year ago, said her brother, William.
The blond, California-born actress first came to attention in the mid-1970s playing "pretty girl" roles in movies such as "Forty Carats" with Liv Ullman and "Once Is Not Enough," based on the salacious novel by Jacqueline Susann.
59 is much too young of an age to die at.

1 comment:

  1. Having been born in the 60s, I fondly remember Deborah Raffin from movies in the 70s and 80s. Until today I had no idea that she had been a force in the audio books industry. Interesting stuff.

    59 is indeed to young to die. We've eliminated or made survivable so many diseases, but cancer is the big one that we have yet to really master. I lost my brother to melanoma a few years ago when he was 49. My understanding is that he probably would have survived had he been diagnosed today, as the drug therapies have improved so much in such a short time. There may never be a "cure" for cancer, but the treatments are improving by leaps and bounds.

    Leukemia is curable if a bone-marrow donor match can be found. You can register for free at Years ago the donation process was painful and invasive, but these days it is usually as easy as donating blood. Please consider joining the registry.

    My condolences to the family, I mourn for your loss.
