Thursday, November 8, 2012

Monk Burns Down Golden Pavilion

Above,  the Kinkaku-ji "Golden Pavilion."  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of the places in Japan I've always wanted to see was Kinkaku-ji, more popularly known as "The Golden Pavilion," in Kyoto.  Kinkaku-ji is a UN World Heritage Site.

I got my chance when it was included in the 2004 G-Tour.  When we got there, I was not disappointed.  The temple was a sight to behold.

Most people are unaware that the present structure is only about 60 years old.  The original structure was burnt down on July 2, 1959 by a schizophrenic monk named Hayashi Yoken.  It was rebuilt with thicker gold leaf covering. has posted the story on the burning of Kinkaku-ji.  To read it (it includes a photo of the burned structure), go here.

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