Friday, November 2, 2012

News On Japan: Insider's Guide To Tokyo Sky Tree

Above, the Sky Tree under construction in December 2010.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Tokyo Sky Tree Tower is currently Japan's top tourist attractions.  Unfortunately, little is known what the Sky Tree and the shopping complex below it has to offer a visitor.

News On Japan has video "insider's guides" to the Sky Tree and the shopping facilities.

They start their article with:

With very little information currently available in English on all Tokyo Skytree has to offer, we've come up with the ultimate guide to exactly where, when and how visitors can get the most value for their time and money spent at Tokyo's newest Big Thing. 
At 634 meters, Skytree holds the record for tallest broadcasting tower ever. It's also currently Japan's No. 1 tourist attraction and not just for its jaw-dropping size.
I saw the Sky Tree in December 2010 while it was still under construction.  It was an imposing structure back then, even though it hadn't yet reached its full height.

To see the article and videos, go here.

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