Monday, November 26, 2012 "The Grave Matter of Japanese Cemeteries"

Above, a Niigata cemetery.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

During my trips to Japan, I've noticed Japanese graves from small sections at rice paddies to cemeteries sprinkled in urban areas.  One is even below Tokyo Tower.

An article has been posted on the subject of Japanese cemeteries and burial customs at, "The Grave Matter of Japanese Cemeteries." It is an interesting read.

It begins with:

Japanese graves and cemeteries are a bit different from what most westerners are used to. Japanese gravestones are just big blocks in a cemetery, sometimes with additional blocks, or like holders for things, and a bunch of other strange stuff that I never really understood or took the time to look into. 
I always wondered – what does all of this signify? Is there something buried underneath them? Do they channel psychic energy to allow one to communicate with the dead? Well in today’s post, we’re going to figure that all out. So pack your bags, kids – we’re going on an adventure.

To view the article, go here.

Note: The article mentions the movie, Departures (2008).  Checking into it, it seemed interesting.  I ordered a copy.  Here's the trailer.

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