Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mexican Beauty Queen Killed In Shootout; Fast & Furious Weapon Found At Scene

Above, Maria Susana Flores Gamez.

From CBS News:

Another weapon from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agency's controversial Operation Fast and Furious was recently recovered at a Mexican crime scene, CBS News has learned. Congressional investigators say the crime scene was likely where a recent shootout took place between reported Sinaloa drug cartel members and the Mexican military, in which Sinaloa beauty queen Maria Susana Flores Gamez and four others were killed.

Operation Fast and Furious was set up supposedly to track weapons from the U.S. into Mexico (despite no means of actually tracking them) by the Obama Administration.  2,000 weapons (including .50 caliber guns) ended up in the hands of drug cartels in Mexico where they were used to kill at least 300 people, including border patrol agent Brian Terry.

The actual motive was to blame the gun dealers (who were working for the Justice Dept.'s ATF) for the weapons ending up in Mexico so that gun control legislation would pass the then-Democrat controlled Congress.  But the fiasco involving Terry's killing blew up in their faces.

Now, following the tragedy of Sandy Hook in Connecticut, the same Obama Administration, who is responsible over the Fast and Furious fiasco, is beating the drums for gun control.

The Obama Administration has more blood on its hands than the killer of Sandy Hook.

For the full story, go here.

1 comment:

  1. And just like the crooked government backed home loan scam, no one goes to jail.

    The elites from both parties protec each other.
