Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"The Dark Knight Rises" and Other DVD/Blu-Ray Buys

While running errands today, I made a stop at Fry's Electonics to pick up the new Blu-ray edition of The Dark Knight Rises.  We'll be watching that this evening.

I also picked up a couple of history-related DVDs while at Fry's:

First, I picked up the boxed set (actually, it came in a tin box) of Victory At Sea episodes.  It is a collection of the award-winning NBC series on World War II.  I used to watch this program back in the 1970s.

The next DVD I bought was JFK: Three Shots That Changed America.  It is a very interesting compilation of newsreel and television footage on the coverage of the Kennedy assassination.  I watched it all the way through today.  I was three months shy of being ten years old in November 1963 and it is still a vivid memory.  I remember seeing live on television the arrival of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base that night and the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald.

One other DVD arrived today.  It was my order of Departures, a 2008 Japanese movie that won an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

From DVD

Departures is an unexpected powerhouse. On the surface, it appears as if it'll be a very steady, solemn picture about funerals, death, and the family bond, but instead it becomes something extremely funny and beautifully poignant because of its lightened mood.

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