Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"Yuru-kyara" Character Craze In Japan

Above, "yuru-kyara" characters at the JR Niigata Station.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Cuddly creatures seem to have taken over various parts, if not all, of Japan.

An interesting article has been posted at Kyodo News on these critters.  It reads, in part:

It is no surprise that Japan's democracy has been infected by the craze for "yuru-kyara," or "loose characters." A growing army of yuru-kyara is inundating Japan with hundreds of soft, plush mascots representing municipalities, government organizations and companies with a uniquely Japanese mix of cute and bizarre.

I saw some promoting something at Niigata JR Station two years ago (photo at top and below).  Until now, I didn't know what these plush critters were called.  One at the top photo seems to be sporting an amulet like the ones in the Shusuke Kaneko Gamera movies of the 1990s.

To read the full article, go here.

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