Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Asia Urged To Prepare For Niche Tourists

Above, the Godzilla statue at Toho Studios is one place for tour companies
can bring kaiju fan customers, if only they get on the ball and offer such tours to
kaiju movie locations.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A recent study indicates that traditional travelers are thinning but niche travelers are on the rise and Asian tourist markets need to adapt.

According to an article in Japan Today:

SINGAPORE —Asia’s tourism industry must prepare for major changes in the next 20 years, including a projected boom in travel by senior citizens and female business executives, a study said Tuesday. 
The days when Asians toured in large groups are disappearing, according to the study commissioned by tourism technology provider Amadeus, resulting in the industry being fragmented into niche markets. 
“Significant new traveller segments will emerge, such as the female business traveller, the small business traveller and the senior traveller, all of which have different aspirations and requirements from the travel experience,” it said.

Some travel companies are catering to "special interest" niche groups such as fans of manga and anime.  Untapped so far are fans of Japanese science-fiction and fantasy movies.  Thus far, only two kaiju-related tours of Japan by North American fans (not counting fans traveling on their own) have ever been organized.  Tour companies have dropped the ball by not offering such tours to monster places of interest to fans.

The market is there, but tour companies aren't taking advantage of it as yet.

To read the full story, go here.

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