Friday, January 11, 2013

Despots Fear An Armed Populace!

Above, the headline and images that has liberal journalists in a tizzy.  I made this screen capture yesterday
to needle some liberal friends of mine..

Liberal journalists are freaking out over the use of images of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin on the Drudge Report (above) headlining a story on Vice President Joe Biden's comment that President Obama may force gun control on the American people through executive order.

Besides that, Google reports a major spike in searches for the history of Hitler and gun control.

According to the Washington Examiner:

Journalists were startled yesterday when Matt Drudge used photos of Hitler and Stalin on his Drudge Report website to highlight a story about Obama possibly issuing an executive order to tackle the gun issue. 
But according to research on Google Trends, web users interest in the history of Hitler and gun control has spiked since Democrats began demanding more restrictions on high capacity magazines and semi-automatic weapons.

The point of the usage of Hitler and Stalin is that tyrants/despots fear an armed populace and impose gun control to disarm them.  What part of the Second Amendment doesn't Barack Obama and Joe Biden understand?

To read more, go here.

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