Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Glendale City Council's Exercise In Feel-good Stupidity

Liberal idiots never quit.

CBS Los Angeles reports:

GLENDALE ( — City council members will consider a proposal Tuesday evening that would ban gun shows at the Glendale Auditorium. 
The Glendale Gun Show has been held at the auditorium since 1992 and is next scheduled to take place in March.

How is banning a gun show going to prevent massacres such as the one in Newtown, Connecticut?  People buying guns at gun shows in California have to go though the screening process which involves a 10-day waiting period, just as they have to do if they were to buy one at a gun store.

This is just another exercise in feel-good stupidity.  If gun shows are so bad, why do police and sheriff departments set up recruiting booths at them?

Freedom-loving gun owners should show up tonight at Glendale's city council meeting at the Glendale City Hall.

To read more, go here.

1 comment:

  1. These people are fucking idiots. Maybe if the Armenians had guns over a million of them would not have been slaughtered by the Turks.

    This stupidity goes right along with pro-gun control Jews who forget that their disarmed grandparents were turned into bars of soap.
