Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Little Tokyo Oshogatsu 2013 - Part 1

Text and photos by Armand Vaquer

This year's Oshogatsu in Los Angeles's Little Tokyo was a fun event.  I managed to take a lot of photos, since "a picture is worth a thousand words."

I got there just as the opening ceremonial taiko drum performance was in progress (above and below photos).  As usual, there were plenty of booths of food, drink, arts & crafts, charities and other things Japanese.

The main area of the celebration was held in Weller Court, but there were also activities and performances in the courtyard of the Japanese Village across the street down 2nd Street.

I made a stop at Little Tokyo's Kinokuniya Bookstores.  While there, I picked up a 2013 calendar and touched base with Sheri, with whom I work with in supplying the store with copies of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan (photo below).

Above, Anime Jungle's booth in Weller Court.  

Above, the refurbished memorial to astronaut Ellison Onizuka and the Challenger crew.

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