Monday, January 7, 2013

Richard Nixon Centennial

The celebration of the Centennial of President Richard Nixon's birth has started.

The Nixon Foundation reports:
The 100th anniversary of the birth of President Nixon was commemorated with a spectacular ceremony at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library on January 6. 
The celebration comes in advance of a birthday gala in Washington, D.C. on January 9, what would have been President Nixon’s 100th birthday. 
The program began with a patriotic Presentation of the Colors and playing of the “National Anthem” by the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Band followed by a Harrier squadron flyover provided by Marine Aircraft Group-13.

Photo: National Archives

I saw President Nixon twice.  First, at Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles when he and Mrs. Nixon arrived for a campaign fundraiser in September 1972 (photo above, I am at the arrow).  The second came at the opening of the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace in Yorba Linda.  He and I exchanged correspondence several times.

To read more, go here.

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