Monday, January 14, 2013

Smarter Travel: Worst Economy Seats In The Air

Above, ANA's new Economy Class seating is not on the list of worst economy seats.

A couple of days ago I posted a review of All Nippon Airways's new Economy and Business Class seating.

Smarter has a photo article on the worst offenders of cramped economy class seating.  Fortunately, most are European or charter airlines (some of which I've never heard of).  This article is useful so you can see who to avoid.

They start it with:

Save your knees—when you can. Although all coach/economy seats are cramped, not all are alike, and some are worse than others. Fortunately, you can avoid the worst offenders, at least most of the time. 
One of the recommendations I made in The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan is to get up and walk around every so often.  This is to avoid getting blood clots in your legs from sitting for long periods aboard a flight.  That I why I prefer aisle seats.  I detest having to crawl over someone if I am seated in a window or middle seat.  This goes for any class of seating, but especially for those in economy.

To see their list of the worst offenders (make sure you click on the photos to see who they are), go here.

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