Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Last year, I had to rebuild the engine of my 1989 Mustang as it blew a rod on the freeway.

I had a Ford dealer remove the engine from the car and have it sent to an engine rebuilder in Sun Valley.

The rebuilder did the work (quite well) and returned the engine in boxes.  The dealer found that the water pump was missing and contacted the rebuilder to inquire about it.  They told the dealer that it was "discarded" and that it "should be replaced anyway."

This was done without any consultation or knowledge by me and added $140 to my costs.

I sent the rebuilder a demand letter for reimbursement for this cost and received no response.  Accordingly, I filed a Small Claims Court lawsuit for the cost of the water pump.

The trial was held on Monday, January 7.  After reviewing the evidence and hearing the testimony from both sides, the judge took the matter into submission and a decision would be mailed.

The decision arrived today and I won the full amount of the replacement water pump plus court costs.

Justice prevailed!

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