Thursday, February 14, 2013

All Nippon Airways Named "Airline of the Year"

Above, ANA at the Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show in  Long Beach.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan's All Nippon Airways (ANA) has garnered an award for "Best Airline of the Year" for 2013, according to an article in Japan Today.

They wrote:
TOKYO —ANA, Japan’s largest airline group, has been named 2013 Airline of the Year by Air Transport World (ATW), the leading monthly magazine covering the global airline industry. 
ATW Editor-in-Chief, Karen Walker, commended ANA for “its exceptional financial performance, fiscal management, customer service and technology leadership that set the bar for the entire global airline industry”. She also added that “when you put in the kind of financial reports that ANA consistently posted through 2012 and provide excellent customer service despite a challenging market, that’s the signature of a first-rate airline.”

While I have not flown to Japan on ANA (I did take a commuter flight with them from Osaka to Tokyo), I have to agree that they are a first-class operation.

Above, Armand trying out ANA's Business Class seats at the Long Beach Travel & Adventure Show.

I was very much impressed at the display they set up at the Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show last month in Long Beach.  They went far beyond any other airline at the show with their exhibits of their new Business Class and Economy Class seating.  I tried them both out.

To read the full article, go here.

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