Monday, February 11, 2013

Christopher Dorner and Charlie

Above, fugitive Christopher Dorner.

It has been reported in the media during the past 24 hours that actor Charlie Sheen was complimented in cop-killer Christopher Dorner's "manifesto" and Sheen, while on TMZ, said that he appreciated the "kind words" and asked Dorner to "please call me" to see how the current manhunt can be peacefully resolved.  (Funny, Sheen didn't leave his phone number for Dorner to call him.)

It just so happened that I worked earlier today at the exclusive community where Sheen lives.   The gate guard and I joked, "Wouldn't it be funny if we called Sheen's residence and told him, "A Mr. Dorner is here to see you.""

Besides getting our butts fired for such a prank, the whole LAPD (including S.W.A.T.) would be swarming the place as anyone can pick up our radio transmissions.

Heh, heh!

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