Wednesday, February 20, 2013

In Hot Water (and Other Stuff)

One negative in apartment living is that you're at the mercy of the building owners when something goes wrong.

We have been out of hot water since Monday morning.  The water heater sprung a leak and it needed to be replaced.  It is a little complicated process as it is on the roof and a crane has to be brought in to remove the old water heater and lift up the new one.

Finally, the new water heater was brought in and installed and this evening, I was able to take a hot shower and shave (I looked stylishly unshaven with three days of growth).  But that shave felt good!

One plus in apartment living is that the cost of all this is borne by the building owner.

It is amazing how time flies.  It seems only yesterday that I last went to the optometrist and got some new prescription glasses.  It turns out that I last went in 2008.
Above, with the old pair of eyeglasses.
Well, due to a minor mishap, I had to get a new prescription as the old pair expired.  This was accomplished  this morning.  My roomie wanted me to get some "smaller" frames.  I really don't like the skinny frames that are in "fashion" these days.  Wait 'til she sees what I ordered.

This time, I am getting Transitions lenses so I don't have to change from regular eyeglasses to sunglasses.

Things are moving along great the next month's trek to the Mad Monster Party in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have plenty of copies of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan to bring along.

Speaking of which, this is the second month in a row that the hard copy sales have exceeded the ebook sales on Amazon's Kindle Store.  

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