Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Japan: To Go Or Not To Go?

Above, Osaka Castle.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Fox News's website has an article on different international destinations, and for each the question is posed: To go or not to go?

Japan is included and here's what the article says:

2012 saw an increase of 30 percent in tourism to Japan over the preceding year, according to the Japan National Tourist Organization. It's no wonder people stayed away in 2011: In March of that year the nation was rocked by the largest earthquake in its history, a magnitude 9 quake that destroyed buildings and triggered a tsunami on the island's northeast coast, causing the deaths of thousands and a meltdown at a major nuclear-power plant, including a release of dangerous radiation. But millions have returned to Japan in the past year, buoyed by the nation's swift recovery efforts. Today, major destinations such as Tokyo are completely safe and 2013 may even set a record for visitors.

To go or not to go?  Well, go to the link below and find out!

Read more:

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