Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Yesterday, I decided to use the Mad Monster Party photo thingie they made for their guest page as my Facebook profile photo.

Several people hit the 'like' button, including one who was once president of Toho Pictures and Godzilla's executive producer:

In other Toho-related things, I was chatting with former Toho-Los Angeles General Manager Masaharu Ina today and I sent him a photo of my daughter Amber and I at Crazy Tokyo Sushi from yesterday.

I received this very nice reply:
Thank you for the photo. You look so good and your daughter is a beautiful young lady now. You must be very proud and a bit worried maybe as most of dads with young daughters are. 
I am glad you are happy and hope this year will be good to you and your daughter. 
Very best, 
Hopefully, I will be heading to Japan this year and he and I can meet up (or perhaps both gentlemen).

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