Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Tokyo Reporter Reports On Japan's Sleazy Underbelly

Every country has its sleazy underbelly, Japan is no different.

The country is generally strict in regards to vice and crime, but sometimes they seem to be lax about enforcement of their laws.

There is one news website that specializes in reporting Japan's criminal and vice news, and that is The Tokyo Reporter.  News subjects range from prostitution, yakuza (Japanese mafia), adult video, love hotels, murder, police raids, white collar crime and more.  They also cover "standard" news that conventional news sites cover.

I don't go there too often, but occasionally they will put up an eye-catching headline.  Their motto is, "All The News That's Fit To Squint."

Here's a sample of what The Tokyo Reporter looks like with one of their headlines:

To read The Tokyo Reporter, go here.

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