Friday, February 15, 2013

Today's "Panic In The Sky"

Above, the meteor over Russia.

Astronomical news is making a big "splash" in the media today.

First, the story of a 150-foot asteroid passing within 17,000 from Earth this morning.  This is closer than some satellites.  Thankfully, the big rock won't strike out planet.

NBC News Cosmic Log has some streaming video.  To view it, go here.

Above, the asteroid from the 1953 "Adventures of Superman" episode, "Panic In The Sky."

Next, even more spectacularly, is the explosion of a 10-ton meteor over Russia's Ural Mountains.  About 1,000 people in Russia were injured when a meteor exploded with the power of an atomic bomb.  The explosion's shock waves (sonic boom) sent glass shards and debris flying, causing injuries to people who ran to their windows to see what the bright flash the meteor gave off was.

Fox News has a full report with photos and videos here.

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