Saturday, February 16, 2013

Zombies and Osama bin Laden

I managed to see a couple of movies today from 2012.  They could not be any more different.

The first was Cabin In The Woods.  This movie is a horror-comedy spoofing the slasher and zombie movies that are so much in vogue these days.

Cabin in the Woods was directed and co-written by Drew Goddard and co-written and produced by Joss Whedon (of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and Angel fame).

It had some good laughs in the typical Whedon way.  My grade: B+.


The second movie is one that is under consideration for the Academy Awards (in fact, we saw it on an award screener DVD).  It is Zero Dark Thirty.

It is the story of the hunt for Osama bin Laden by the Central Intelligence Agency and his ultimate execution in Pakistan.  Thank goodness it didn't have Barack Obama parading around with bin Laden's corpse a la Weekend At Bernie's.

Zero Dark Thirty was typically Hollywoodized, but it was entertaining.  My grade: A.

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