Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"An Otaku Abroad" Travel Guide For Anime and Manga Fans

Back in January, I blogged about the Japan Anime Tourism Guide.  Now there's another Japan travel guide targeted to anime and manga fans.

Anime News Network posted a news release on a new book, An Otaku Abroad: The Affordable Japan Experience for Anime and Manga Fans.
Fayetteville, NC, March 5, 2013 – Otaku (anime and manga fan) Sarah Rothman spent five months exploring Japan in 2011. She used anime and manga to guide her exploration of the country. She is sharing her experiences in a new book that details her discoveries and shows other anime fans how to plan their own trips to Japan while saving money. The book is entitled “An Otaku Abroad” and covers all aspects of planning a trip to Japan, traveling within the country, and experiencing the culture from the point of view of an anime fan.
To read more about it, go here

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