Monday, March 11, 2013

Congratulations, Andrew & Julie Kerr!

My old friend Arleigh Kerr emailed some photos of his son Andrew's wedding in Cincinnati, Ohio with a little narrative on the proceedings.

Here's his description of the rehearsal:

Back to reality after a wonderful long weekend in Cincinnati. Really nice wedding. The bride was beautiful, the groom handsome. After the rehearsal, while the rest of the wedding party went directly to the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner Julie’s father, Brian, and I drove to the Templeton house, changed into our kilts and then went on to the restaurant. Everyone was surprised. Both fathers looked great in our kilts. I gave a very nice toast – without screwing up. Dinner went well. 
It was cold outside, temperature hovered right around freezing all four days. Snow flurries every day. And I might add, that 50 feet or so I had to walk from the car into the restaurant – in my kilt – was the longest, coldest 50 feet I’ve ever had to walk. I gained a lot respect for those kilt-wearing Scotsmen of old.
Well, yes.  One would have to respect Scotsmen of old as they wore nothing under their kilts (I guess you can say they "went commando").  Did the two dads also go "commando"?

Here's a photo of the two dads in their kilts with my friend Arleigh on the left, his son Andrew (the groom) in the center, and Brian, the bride's father on the right:

On the wedding, Arleigh wrote:

Following day at the wedding, the 150 guests were piped into the reception by a bagpiper. Rather than one humongous stacked wedding cake with Thomas Dewey on top, they had 5 medium-large sized cakes for the 140-150 people. Each one different. One was “Julie’s cake” with flowers similar to those on her wedding dress. Another was “Andrew’s cake” with the Kerr tartan printed around the edge. Yeah, a perfect copy of the Kerr tartan printed in red and green (with edible ink on fondant). Absolutely amazing.  

Of course, everyone wants to see the bride, so here she is being escorted by her father:

Glad to see everything went off without a hitch (well, one hitch, but that was planned).  It is kind of weird that Arleigh's son is now married.  I remember being in Arleigh's wedding party back in the 1980s.  Seems almost like yesterday.


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