Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Haruo Nakajima's Autobiography Possibility

In regard to Haruo Nakajima's autobiography, "Kaiju Life," I was in discussion this morning with Sonoe Nakajima about the possibility of having order forms from the publisher at the Mad Monster Party.

She said that the publisher won't be able to provide such forms or take orders, but we might be able to take orders at the convention and she can fill them and send them from Japan.

She said she'll be bringing about 5 copies to the convention.  No doubt, those will be gobbled up fast!

I told her that in order for us to do this, we will need the cost of the book, shipping and packaging.  Once we have those costs, we can total them up and convert the amount from yen to dollars.  Currently, the exchange rate between the dollar and yen is roughly $1.00 = ¥96.

If she can do this (fill the orders herself), buyers might still be able to get theirs with an autograph.  We'll see if this is feasible. Stay tuned!

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