Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Japan-China Tensions Cause Drop In Chinese Tourism To Japan

Above, Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The dispute over a group of islands between China and Japan have caused a drop in Chinese tourism to Japan.

According to the Japan Times:

The number of foreigners visiting Japan continues to rebound from falls following the massive earthquake and tsunami of March 2011, but Japan-China territorial tensions are casting a shadow over tourism industry hopes that the trend will continue in 2013. 
According to the Japan National Tourism Organization, 8.36 million people visited Japan from abroad in 2012, the second-largest figure on record and up sharply from the previous year’s 6.21 million.
More than 200,000 people visited Japan from China in July 2012, before the bilateral dispute over the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea worsened. But after tensions rose over the islets, the monthly number plummeted below 60,000 in November and December.

Fortunately, tourists from other countries (primarily from Thailand and Taiwan) are making up for the drop in Chinese travelers to Japan.

To read the full article, go here.

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