Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mad Monster Party Just Days Away

Above, yours truly with some of the Nakajima photos to be available
at the Mad Monster Party convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Four more days from now I'll be heading off to Charlotte, North Carolina for the second annual Mad Monster Party convention.  The convention runs March 22-24.

Haruo "Mr. Godzilla" Nakajima will be attending and he appears to be on the path to making a boatload of money.  Several fans have indicated that they will be spending in excess of $300 at his table for autographs.  They will be mainly bringing their own items for him to sign.  He will have several 8 x 10s of his own for signatures.

This convention will be a different system for him as the past conventions he has attended either had him sign for free or the money brought in went to Japan earthquake relief.  The money he will be making at Mad Monster Party will be his to do as he chooses (and/or use it for his wife's medical expenses).  Autographed photos will be sold for $25 each or have your picture taken with him and get an autograph for $30.  Other celebrities who are attending are charging a lot more.

He will be in for a real treat at a special "photo op" session that is planned for Sunday. Here, fans can pose with him in front of a green screen where a Godzilla-themed image will be in the finished photograph.  This will be interesting to see!  Other plans are in the works by the convention organizers to honor Mr. Nakajima.

It appears that I'll be lugging my big box of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.  At first, I thought I would be changing airlines (and not just flights) en route to the convention.  But I am staying with one airline, which makes it less likely a snafu with my luggage will occur (knock on wood).  The trip to Charlotte is with one airline as is the trip home (with a different carrier).

There is still time to plan a trip to the Mad Monster Party convention.  The organizers are planning a ton on activities, including a film festival.  The Blake Hotel is sold out, but there are other hotels that attendees can stay at.  For more information on the Mad Monster Party, go here.

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