Monday, April 8, 2013

Annette Funicello Dies At 70

The death of former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello does and does not come as a surprise.

She had battled multiple sclerosis for years and recently fell into a coma.  Despite her ailments, she always managed to project a brave and sunny disposition.  That made her passing at age 70 somewhat a surprise to me.  At least she made it to 70.

I had wondered about her lately when news of the release of the Gorgo Blu-ray came out.  I originally saw Gorgo as the second feature to Annette's (and Frankie Avalon's) version of Babes In Toyland.  I also remember watching the Mickey Mouse Club during its initial run in the 1950s.

At least now her suffering is over.  R.I.P.

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