Thursday, April 25, 2013

California Food Police Wants To Tax Soft Drinks

The Looney Left Report

The left wing food police in California's legislature are now proposing an "obesity tax" on sugary soft drinks.
The tax will fund "obesity programs" in California, i.e., which means the money collected will just be wasted.
Unless they hire thousands of coaches with whips to force obese children and adults to exercise, this is will just be a colossal waste of taxpayers' money.

The proposal will add a one cent per ounce to soft drinks.  Under this proposal, if someone buys a 32 ounce bottle or cup of Coca Cola, then 32 more cents will be added to the price of the drink.

This hokum is just another example of the nanny state that liberals are trying to foist upon people.  While they claim to not want government into people's bedrooms, they are now imposing government into our stomachs.

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